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  • Writer's pictureLatha Shilvanth

Depression Reasons

Some people think they have a clear sense of why they become depressed. Others do not. It may not be easy to find out.

In most cases, depression has no single cause. Instead, it was the result of a mixture of things: your genes, the events in your past, your present state, and much more.

The most important thing to remember is that, unlike with a normal sadness, there is no need to be a "reason" to have clinical depression. It's not anyone's fault. This is not a flaw in your character. It is a disease that can affect anyone - and regardless of the cause, there are many good ways to treat it.


We still do not know exactly what happens in the brain when people become depressed. But studies show that certain parts of the brain seem to work normally.

Depression may also be affected by changes in the functioning of certain chemicals in the brain.


Researchers know that if depression runs in your family, you have a higher chance of suffering from depression. But genetics do not fully explain why clinical depression occur.


Women are twice as likely as men to become depressed. No one is certain why. Hormonal changes that women go through at different times of their life may play a role.


People who are elderly are at higher risk of depression.

Health condition

Chronic and disabling medical conditions that may not have the drug can increase your risk of developing depression. These include:

• Cancer

• Heart disease

• Punch

• Thyroid problems

• Chronic Pain

Trauma and Grief

Trauma such as abuse or physical or emotional abuse - whether it is the beginning of life or later - can trigger depression in people who are biologically prone to it.

Grief after the death of a friend or loved one is a normal emotion, but like all forms of loss, sometimes can lead to clinical depression.

Changes and Stress Events

It is not surprising that people may feel sad or down during stressful times - such as during a divorce or when caring for sick relatives. However, even positive change - such as getting married or starting a new job - can sometimes trigger clinical depression syndrome that goes beyond normal sadness.

Drug and Substance

Many prescription drugs can cause symptoms of depression.

Alcohol or substance abuse is common in depressed people. This often makes their condition deteriorated cause or worsen mood symptoms or interfere with the effects of medications prescribed to treat depression.

Here are the facts about depression in women: In the US, about 15 million people suffering from depression each year. The majority of them are women. Unfortunately, nearly two-thirds do not get the help they need.

Depression in women is very common. In fact, women are twice as likely to develop clinical depression as men. Up to one in four women are likely to have episodes of major depression at some point in life.

What is depression?

Clinical depression is a mood disorder that is serious and widespread. This leads to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness. Depression can be mild to moderate symptoms of apathy, little appetite, insomnia, low self-esteem, and low-grade fatigue. Or it could be worse.

What are the symptoms of depression in women?

Symptoms of depression in women include:

• Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood

• Loss of interest or pleasure in activities, including sex

• Restlessness, irritability, or excessive crying

• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, pessimism

• Sleeping too much or too little, early morning waking

• Appetite and / or weight loss or overeating and weight gain

• Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down"

• Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

• Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

• Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain

What are the symptoms of mania in women?

Mania is a highly energized state with elevated mood that can occur in bipolar disorder. Mood swings in bipolar disorder for a few days or weeks or months from the lows of depression to the highs of mania. Although mania is a high mood, they are serious and require medical assessment and treatment.

Symptoms of mania include:

• abnormally elevated mood

• Irritability

• Decreased need for sleep

• Grandiose ideas

• Greatly increased talk

• Racing thoughts

• Increased activity, including sexual activity

• sharply increased energy

• Poor judgment which can lead to risk taking behavior

• Inappropriate social behavior

Why is depression in women is more common than depression in men?

Before adolescence, depression is rare and occurs at about the same rate in girls and boys. However, with the onset of puberty, a girl's risk of developing depression increases dramatically to twice that of boys.

Some experts believe that an increased chance of depression in women may be related to changes in hormone levels that occur throughout a woman's life. These changes are evident during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, as well as after giving birth or having a miscarriage. In addition, the hormonal fluctuations that occur with menstrual cycle each month may contribute to premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD - syndrome Severe characterized primarily by depression, anxiety, and mood changes that occur the week before menstruation and interfere with normal functions of everyday life.

"Do not believe everything you hear -. Even in your own mind "- Dr. Daniel AmenMost people who have to deal with anxiety and depression can not give the exact reasons why they suffer in the first place. In addition to an individual experiencing a traumatic event (war, death of loved ones), to understand what exactly happened to cause anxiety and depression is often a futile effort.In most cases, depression and anxiety does not have a single cause. Medical professionals state that depression and anxiety level of the "mix" of factors: genes, past experience, current state, and others.Understanding the reasons why a person suffers from chronic depression and anxiety are not the most important thing. It is important that people with the disorder understand that it is not their fault. Depression and anxiety is a mental illness, and akin to physical illness can affect anyone.certain lifestyle choices of experience, however, can contribute - or directly causes - depression and anxiety. This condition may be acute (short term) or (long-term) infection; it all depends on the "mix" we discussed earlier; know this is a resource, as we can counteract some of the things that incite condition.HERE IS A LIFESTYLE 7 COMMON CAUSES OF DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY:1. SUBSTANCE ABUSEPeople abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol for a number of reasons. substance abuse is a habit that can form at any time, including children and adolescents.Drugs and alcohol "rewire" the brain neurochemistry; interfere with normal communication between neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are brain and body, "chemical communication" that controls every physical and psychological experience.Individuals prone to depression and anxiety involved in drug use were more likely to develop mental illness.2. overtimeBeing exhausted from too much heavy workload causes a stress reaction in the body. Most people now recognize that they are at least somewhat influenced by stress resulting from work.When the brain is exposed to chronic stress, it is delicate chemical balance disrupted. Once again, people are prone to anxiety and depression for whatever reason - and exposed to long-term stress - are vulnerable to anxiety and depression.3. GRIEF AND TRAUMAA general discussion in the news is the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in military members. Being a witness or victim of any violence can trigger biological reactions that evolved into a full-blown anxiety and depression.Feelings of grief after the death of a loved one or friend, though uncomfortable, can serve as a good healer. However, prolonged sadness in vulnerable demographics can cause mental health problems.4. HEALTHPeople who are diagnosed with a treatable medical condition may be at increased risk of suffering from depression. diseases associated with age or diagnosis of conditions such as Parkinson's disease can be stopped, Alzheimer's, heart disease, or cancer often lead to feelings of panic and helplessness; of course, prolonged exposure to these feelings can manifest in anxiety and depression.It is also worth mentioning that the changes in the diagnosis of anxiety / depression increase with age, per WebMD.5. SUDDEN and stress CHANGESDuring the famous Wall Street Crash of 1929, which led to the loss of billions of dollars and lay the groundwork for the Great Depression, 23,000 people committed suicide - at the time, the highest number of suicides ever in one year.While the number of people who committed suicide because of anxiety and depression can not be ascertained; it is reasonable to assume that mental illness has played a role. Most of us are often confused with the term 'Anxiety' and 'depression', but these are two different medical conditions Depression and anxiety are both mental conditions Depression is everything dull while anxiety is everything in a state of hyper..

 Depression occurs in people of all ages.

 More women are affected by depression than men.

 Depression in women is associated with depression during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Thus, women are more affected by depression than men.

 Similar to depression, women are more prone to anxiety disorders than in men.

What do you mean by anxiety?

 Anxious'm worried.

 Anxiety is when you're worried about not going and was worried for no reason.

 People with anxiety or anxiety disorders do not know how to stop the cycle of worry

 Worry often beyond their control.

 Situations like this can make it difficult for an individual to cope with life.

Anxiety symptoms differ from person to person. However,

Some symptoms of anxiety are:

 Feeling worried or anxious all the time.

 Restlessness and being easily fatigued

 Problems concentrating or trouble focusing or thinking clearly about anything other than the things you worry about

 Experiencing recurring thoughts that cause anxiety, but it may seem silly to others

 Insomnia

These symptoms may occur or persist for more than 6 months.

The cause of anxiety:

a) Genetics: People with a family history of anxiety disorders are more likely to suffer from anxiety. However, this does not mean that a person will automatically develop anxiety if a parent or close relative has had a mental health condition and that does not mean that genetics is the only cause of anxiety.

b) stressful life events: a stressful event can also trigger symptoms of anxiety. Common triggers may include: - stress job or change jobs, relationships, family pressures, changes in living arrangements, pregnancy and childbirth, a new exposure to a stressful event or trauma, abuse or many other such problems can trigger anxiety.

c) Medical factors: Continued or chronic physical illness can also trigger anxiety. Furthermore, the side effects of drugs, treatment procedures, and the financial burden due to illness can cause anxiety.

d) Substance abuse: Heavy or long-term use substances such as alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines or tranquilizers or withdrawal can actually cause people to develop anxiety.

It is a must to know that anxiety can occur because one of the reasons mentioned or for a combination of reasons.

What we mean by Depression?

 According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), "depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, how you think and how you act."

 While untreated, can cause a variety of physical and emotional problems and can reduce the efficiency of the work.

Symptoms of Depression:

 Depressed mood

 Lack of interest in pleasurable activities

 Increase or decrease of appetite

 Insomnia or hypersomnia

 Slowing movement

 Lack of energy

 Feelings of guilt or worthlessness

 Problems concentrating

 thoughts or suicidal behavior.

For a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, a person needs to experience five or more symptoms for at least two weeks.

Causes of depression:

The cause of depression is not fixed either. Causes of depression can vary from person to person. However, we must know that the cause is similar to anxiety:

a) Genetics: family history of depression often associated with causing disease but yet there is not enough evidence to support them.

b) Brain chemistry: Depression is believed to be caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are responsible for carrying signals in the brain for different purposes. Among people with depression, mood regulate neurotransmitters often distracted or exhausted.

c) Disease: The presence of chronic diseases and other diseases can also cause depression

d) Aging: Depression is common among the older population. With increasing age, a person becomes more susceptible to disease, brain cells are also shrinking, increasing weakness, which

Can You Cure Depression?

Depression, recognized in the DSM-5 as major depressive disorder (MDD) and is sometimes called clinical depression is a common mental health conditions. In 2016, over 16 million adults experience at least one episode of major depression.

While depression can be treated, and the symptoms can be alleviated, depression can not be "cured." Rather, remission is the goal. There is no universally accepted definition of remission, because it varies for each person. People may still have symptoms or impaired function in remission.

Depression also has a high risk of recurrence. Source percentTrusted least 50 individuals who had experienced one episode of depression have one or more depressive episodes. Individuals who've had at least two episodes may have at least one more episode of depression.

As with any chronic condition, although it may recur, there are treatments available to reduce the severity of your symptoms, manage your condition, and provide support.

Why depression occurs again

While not all people who experience a depressive episode lasts for having one another, many individuals having another episode. It does not always know what causes this. Furthermore, there is no single known cause of depression in general. It is estimated that the various things involved, including biological, genetic, environmental, and emotional.

If you have a recurrence, it does not mean you're weak or that you did something wrong. Sometimes depression can be triggered by stress such as job loss, serious illness, loss of a loved one, or drug use. Another time, a relapse can occur because of a medication you take is not the best for you, or because it is time to try a new therapy.

Talk with your care team about the risk of recurrence, and what to do if this happens. It can help ease the anxiety that you may have about the likelihood of relapse. Knowing no backup plan, should you need it, can be assured.

Warning signs

Depression can manifest in different ways for different people. Some people may sleep too much, while others may have trouble sleeping. Keeping a log specific symptoms you can help, especially when discussing treatment options with your doctor.

That being said, there are some signs and symptoms of general depression, which include:

• lack of energy or increased fatigue

• changes in weight or appetite

• feeling agitated or restless

• move or speak more slowly than normal

• loss of interest or pleasure in activities or things that were previously enjoyable

• Irritability

• difficulty concentrating or making decisions

• sleep disorders, such as waking up in the morning, oversleeping, or not being able to sleep

• feelings of guilt or hopelessness

• feeling sad or empty

• physical illness or pain, or digestive problems that are not helped by medication, or may not have an obvious cause

• thoughts of death or suicide

To be classified as a depression, the symptoms need to be present at almost all day, almost every day, at least two weeks. You do not need to have all - or even most - of these symptoms to be diagnosed with depression. If you think you or someone you care about is living with depression, it is important to talk with a health professional.

If you ever experience a depressive episode before, you might be able to recognize the symptoms of relapse. Sometimes, the symptoms of recurrence can be as simple as could not sleep or concentrate.

to Cure Depression

Wondering how to cure depression? There are a number of effective lifestyle strategies that you can take.

If you're feeling down in the dumps for a period of time, you may be suffering from depression. You are not alone, as millions of people have this common disorder. The bright side is that there are a number of lifestyle strategies that effective action you can take to fight depression.

Here are eight steps to help you find a cure for depression:

How To Cure Depression Tip # 1: Exercise

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and boost the growth of nerve cells. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can be just as effective in reducing the symptoms of depression as medication. Research has also shown that even moderate exercise can help, such as a walk or gardening mild 20 to 30 minutes a day.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 2: Eat Healthy

Many processed foods and fast foods contain trans fats; a diet high in trans fats can increase the risk of depression. A study found that participants with a high intake of trans-fats has increased 48% in the risk of depression than those who did not consume the same fat. Opt instead for a diet rich in foods with polyunsaturated fats are healthy, such as fish and vegetable oils.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 3: Get adequate sleep

Understandably, some people suffer from depression may have trouble sleeping because of stress and anxiety. On the other hand, some may find it difficult to get up in the morning, choosing instead to stay in the comfort of the bed and dark warm room. The optimal amount of sleep for individuals 18 to 64 years is 7-9 hours a night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Aiming to get plenty of rest every day.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 4: Manage Stress

This may be easier said than done. Try to avoid negative people or the environment can trigger a stressful situation. Proven approach: Find fun, relaxing activity when you feel your stress level is too high. Take a walk, take a bike ride, or meditation-and take a vacation or at least a long weekend if necessary. Taking a step back, regroup and continue.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 5: Let It Out

Do not keep your feelings inside. Bottle-up sadness or anger can build up until they explode. Talking with family members, friends, or a therapist, or even write your thoughts in a journal. A cry can also be very therapeutic.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 6: Try Natural Remedies

There are some natural health solutions that you can take to fight depression. St John's Wort is a flower extract is available at most pharmacies and health food stores. This can help reduce mild to moderate depression. However, some studies have shown mixed results in treating depression when compared with placebo. dopamine supplements can help increase your feelings of motivation and pleasure. Dopamine is naturally produced and released in the body when you approach and reach the destination. When dopamine is released, it comes with a good feeling and a boost of energy. Supplements, such as L-Tyrosine, Rhodiola, Mucuna, and L-theanine, can help your body naturally produces dopamine. As is the case with traditional medicines, natural supplements can also produce negative side effects. Consult with your doctor before trying any natural depression medication.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 7: See Specialist

You may have a close bond with your general practitioner; However, he may not be the best choice for treating your depression. A psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, social worker, or therapist may be more suitable for your needs. Find one in your area and make an appointment, or ask your primary care physician for advice. There are also organizations that offer support groups, such as the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. Local religious or community center in your area may also offer support groups. The American Psychological Association offers psychologist locator on their website. If you are worried about a loved one who may be suffering from depression, one way to help it possible to compile a list of local resources that can offer help and give them a gentle nudge to look for it.

How To Cure Depression Tip # 8: Drug

Doctors sometimes prescribe drugs to treat depression.

These drugs are most often used to regulate brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that cause depression. The most common is an antidepressant. Broken down into several classes of antidepressants, such as selective serotonin ieuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRIs), and reuptake inhibitors and receptor blockers. Your doctor will be able to prescribe certain types of antidepressant based on your symptoms and your family history.

If your health care provider determine the drug to treat symptoms of depression, make sure you ask about possible side effects. Read more about depression medication here.

If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, it can be difficult to overcome. The first step, and most important, is to recognize and acknowledge that there is a problem. It's also important to remember that there is no surefire cure for depression and certain treatments may work for some, and not others.

Depression; This is not a disease, it is a state of mind that slowly poison your body and take over. Condemning depression does not help anyone. However, accept that you have it and are trying to work towards curing it has helped a lot. Depression may seem like a crisis and suffering from it, the end of the world.

Depression is fatal, it drives one's mind to the chaos and irregularities, According to research (1) conducted by the WHO (World Health Organization) depression affects about 300 million people worldwide.

Most people ignore the symptoms or do not take the necessary steps to deal with it. This disease stigma and prejudice against people who suffer from it have been fatal. WHO estimates (2) that 800,000 people die from suicide every year.

How To Cure Depression Naturally?

• Food for Depression

• Herbs for Depression

• Essential Oils for Depression

• Supplements for Depression

• Lifestyle Choice

CURE 1: Food for depression

It may seem surprising to learn this, however, the food is a powerful converter that can affect your brain and depression. What choice do you put on your plate may help you to control / prevent and even cure your depression.

Magnesium-rich foods has been shown to improve mood (3) and help reduce stress levels. Magnesium is an important element which is a cofactor in the 300 reactions in the body. These synapses control the nerves in the brain and can influence it, less of it in the diet can cause many physical and mental problems.

[Also Read: Food helps depression]

1. Banana (Musa acuminata)

In 100 grams of banana sprawl, there are about 27 milligrams of magnesium. It is classified as a rich source of magnesium, which is directly absorbed into the bloodstream and act almost instantly on depression.

How does it work?

magnesium ions are directly absorbed into the bloodstream when they are digested in the stomach. These ions act directly on the brain synapses and helps increase serotonin levels. This hormone is colloquially referred to as the happy hormone improves mood and happiness significantly. Additionally, smoothies also contain flax seed that have omega-3 which can improve your mood as well.

How to use?

You can eat a banana as a whole, or you could even make a delicious banana shake (which says that being healthy is not tasty?) But one of the best recipes for banana is a banana almond swallow the hemp smoothie.


• One large banana

• 2/3 cup almond milk

• One tablespoon of fresh roasted almond butter

• One tablespoon of flaxseed

• One tablespoon honey

• A few drops of almond extract or vanilla extract


• Add all of them into a blender. Blending them right until you see a smoothie like consistency.

• Add a few ice cubes (skip if you have a cold, of course)

• You can add a few slices of banana on top and slurp on it!

How Much to Use?

You may have a banana almost every meal, as a dessert. Banana Smoothie almond flax can have twice a week, in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Chicken Eggs

Do not miss the eggs were distributed at brunch. Eggs, raw particularly known to have anti-depressant properties (4). This is due to many important nutrients (magnesium and zinc) and omega 3 has.

How does it work?

Eggs are known to have a lot of nutrients and minerals in it. It contains a rich amount of magnesium that helps in improving the mood, as well as omega -3, also known help stabilize mood and help reduce anxiety. They also contain choline, the amino acid that is a building block for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that helps in cognitive processes and learning and keep depression at bay.

How to use?

You can eat a boiled egg with a slice them into pieces and add in a pinch of black pepper and salt. However, hard-boiled eggs are easy and effective way to keep depression at bay, such as egg yolk is still raw.


1. Crack two eggs into a bowl

2. In a medium sized pan add water and simmer

3. Do not add any salt in the pot because it will break the egg white

4. Now pour this egg into the pan in a manner that the egg yolk egg white should follow

5. Cook for two minutes. Then turn the fire off

6. Let the pan for 8-10 minutes

7. Now use a slotted spoon to remove the egg out of the pan

8. Drain out on kitchen paper

You can add this on top of a boiled egg boiled beans you can also add onions, tomatoes, cilantro and spices of your choice.

How Much to Use?

You can consume up to two eggs every day, you can have it anyway. Raw, cooked, boiled. Any way you want. Make sure that you do not overload it with salt.

3. Fish

Although it may seem like a very broad food category, we'll narrow it down for you. It is recommended that you consume oily, fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines. This fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

How does it work?

Our brain is mostly fat, it may come as a shocker. It is essential that our brain is supplied with enough omega-3 fatty acids. As these fatty acids required for optimal growth, development and functioning of the brain.

If there is a lack of omega-3 fatty acids it leads to the disintegration of the structure of the brain, cell membranes and nerve connections. This could lead to emotional and cognitive disorders.

How to use?

Supplements: It's easy to get your hands on cod fish oil supplements, however, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before you start this regimen.

- Meat cooking:

There are some fish that is considered as the best meat for depression roadside assistance.

You can have all these fish and integrate them into your diet. All these fish have more than 500 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per 85 grams.

1. Anchovies

2. Bass Black

3. Herring

4. Mackerel (canned)

5. oysters

6. Salmon, including Chinook (king), chum, coho, farmed, pink, and sockeye

7. Sardines

How Much to Use?

For a supplement, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using them to determine the proper dose is suitable for you. For meat, it is advisable to eat 2-3 servings of 100 grams per week for best results.

Yoga for Depression

ancient stretching body activity and is derived from the ancient India, can work wonders on your body. It has been proven to cure and prevent a variety of diseases. Yoga requires you to learn and control your own breathing and also flexible, so do not be discouraged, by the time you will learn.How Does it Work?

Once you regularly start doing yoga, you ’d be releasing feel-good endorphins in your body. These are natural cannabis-like products (endocannabinoids) and other natural brain chemicals that are necessary for your emotional well being. It could help you take your mind off worries and you can only concentrate on your work out and not on the negative feelings.

How to use?

There is an exclusive three yoga poses to treat your depression. It is very important to remember that each pose has a special position to stay in and a specific pattern of breathing. Third pose

• The Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation)

• The Shoulder Stand

• The Bala Asana (Child's Pose)

• rigidly follow up with this pose to gain control of depression and anxiety.

Depression is a mental illness that paralyzes which could eat into your life and take control of it.

Most of us confuse being sad and gloomy with a depressed. Clinical depression is when all symptoms have been strengthened in a way that has been damaged ceiling capacity of your threshold.

Feeling sad for a moment and be in eternal torment boundaries of your mind are two different things. However, you can use these naturopathic medicine to cure / control your depression. It's important that you bear this in mind that depression can be won over and that you care!

Many people with clinical depression wonder if their symptoms will go away on their own with time. The old adage "time heals all wounds" may have some truth behind it, but that there is a cure for depression. Depression brings on feelings of hopelessness and helplessness that interfere with every aspect of a person's life, including employment, productivity, and relationships-and can not be willed away or wait it out.

If you have been diagnosed with depression, you need to get the right treatment to get better. You do not have to suffer needlessly when depression is a very treatable disease. In fact, between 80 and 90 percent of people who feel better.1 Medical treatment usually includes medication, therapy or a combination of both.

understand Depression

major depressive disorder (MDD) is a chronic condition that can ebb and flow throughout one's life. While it is possible that an individual episode of depression may go away without treatment, there is no guarantee that things will not get worse before they get better.

This is why the right treatment at the first signs of the disease, with continued maintenance treatment to prevent relapse, is the best action to take.

American Psychiatric Association recommends that, once you have achieved a remission of your first episode of depression, you should continue taking the drug at this time for at least four to nine months.

If you have recurrent episodes, recommendations would be bumped up to a longer length of time, with some people advised to stay on the drug indefinitely.2

Depression Statistics Everyone Should Know

Why Treatment Is Key

While many drugs, such as antibiotics, completely cure the disease they are designed to treat, antidepressants do not cure depression. They just repairing the chemical imbalances that underlie for someone to take them.

Although certain episodes of depression can pass, this does not mean that depression someone has been cured. The underlying vulnerability is always there, waiting to be triggered by the right set of circumstances.

untreated depression can be very debilitating for the individual, disturb every part of life. In addition, severe depression can potentially lead to suicide if it does not receive immediate attention.

Depression has been linked to many diseases including heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and other chronic disorders.3 In the case of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, depression can accelerate the progression of the disease.

Having depression can make it harder to treat other medical conditions due to lack of motivation and the energy associated with depression makes it difficult for patients to comply with their treatment regimen.

Another concern about depression is that it tends to recur.

Current evidence suggests that a person who has had one episode of depression have a 50 percent risk than others. With each additional episode, the risk is increased, increasing to 70 percent after the second episode and 90 percent after the third.

treatment options

Depression is treatable enough so there is no need to "buck up" and suffered through the episode. While it may seem heroic to be difficult, it is not necessary and in fact, it is dangerous to your health.

That said, personal care, such as sleep well, eat well, and do not abuse alcohol or drugs to cope really can help you feel better faster. Many people with depression, however, understandably struggled with self-care during the episode.

Getting the right treatment can shorten the length and severity of episodes. Antidepressants can begin to alleviate the symptoms of depression within two to four weeks before the illness has time to linger and may get worse.

Words From verywell

Although it is not impossible that a particular episode of depression will disappear by itself if given enough time, there are some very compelling reasons why someone important and should not hesitate to get professional help. the proper handling and adequate time should always be the goal when a person presents with symptoms of depression.

Depression is treatable and most people see improvement in their symptoms when treated with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.

But treatment must be individualized. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. It's important to talk with your doctor and your treatment team about the options that may be most effective in reducing your depression.

7 Types of Psychotherapy That Are Effective for Depression

The word "therapy" is used to describe the various types of treatments. Psychotherapists often use a certain type of therapy to treat depression. Some of them use an eclectic approach, based on the client's care needs.

Although there are many types of therapy, a study in 2013 examined the most effective treatment for depression. The researchers found that the following therapies were equally effective in reducing depression.

1. Interpersonal therapy is relatively short in duration. Sessions are highly structured. It is based on the idea that your relationship is at the forefront of depression. The goal of treatment is to help patients improve their skills, such as communication skills and conflict resolution skills.

2. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on helping people identify and change the cognitive distortions and patterns of behavior that reinforce feelings of depression. It is usually short-term and focused on this issue and teaching skills.

3. Social skills therapy teaches patients how to build healthy relationships. The goal is for patients to improve communication and learn how to build a strong social network with individuals based on honesty and respect.

4. psychodynamic therapy is often shown in movies and pop culture. This involves helping patients explore the emotional wounds and unhealed them aware of the past. The goal is to help people learn how depressed they relate to past experiences and unresolved conflicts. therapists help patients overcome the problems so that they can move forward in a productive manner.

5. supportive counseling is structured and focused on listening to patients. Patients are invited to address any issues that they want to talk about and use of therapist empathy to provide understanding and support.

6. Behavioral activation of fun activities to raise awareness. therapist seeks to increase positive interaction between the patient and the environment. By getting active and involved in activities more fun, symptoms of depression can be reduced.

7. therapeutic purposes troubleshooting to determine the patient's problems. Then, some of the solutions offered. therapists help patients evaluate the options and choose solution.1 a

7 Best Online Resources Help for Depression

Families or Couples Therapy

Some families or therapy may be considered when depression affects other people in the household. Therapies involving other family members focuses on interpersonal relationships.

The role played by various members of the family in depression patients can be examined. Education about depression in general also be part of the family therapy.2


Hospitalization may be necessary when it is considered that the patient has become a danger to himself or others. A patient who is seriously considering suicide, for example, may require hospitalization hospitalization.3

Hospitalization may involve individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy. A patient may also prescription drugs.

After the patient is safe to leave the hospital, intensive outpatient programs, such as partial hospital may be recommended. This service lasts for several hours each day to help support the recovery of a person from their depression.


There are many different medications that can help alleviate symptoms of depression.

Most studies have found a drug that is most effective when used in conjunction with therapy.

Here are several classes of drugs commonly used to treat depression:

• tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) - were among the first advanced antidepressants. They have more side effects than the newer antidepressants, but may be more effective for certain patients. These include Elavil (amitriptyline), Tofranil (imipramine) and Pamelor (nortriptyline).

• monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) - is another older types of antidepressant. If you take an MAOI, you will have to follow certain restrictions to prevent reactions that can lead to high blood pressure. You should also be careful about interactions with certain other medications. Such as tricyclic, is not commonly used first line, but sometimes it can help to be more difficult to treat depression. MAOIs include Marplan (isocarboxazid), Nardil (phenelzine) and Parnate (tranylcypromine).

• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - are the most commonly prescribed medication for depression today. Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine), Zoloft (sertraline) Celexa (citalopram) and Luvox (fluvoxamine) are commonly prescribed brand names. Compared with other types of antidepressants, SSRIs tend to have fewer side effects. SSRIs should be prescribed along with older MAOIs because of the potential for dangerously high levels of serotonin to build up, which can cause serotonin syndrome.

• Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) - is a new type of antidepressant that works similarly to SSRIs only they also block the reuptake of norepinephrine along with serotonin. A common drug in this class is Effexor (venlafaxine), Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Pristiq (deslavenfaxine).

• Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRIs) - Wellbutrin (bupropion) is in a class by itself. Wellbutrin less likely to have sexual side effects that are common in other antidepressants.4

• Esketamine - Sold under the brand name Spravato, esketamine is FDA approved in March 2019. It is approved for adults with treatment-resistant depression, meaning other treatment options do not work for them, and the need for oral prescribed along with antidepressants. The drug itself is a nasal spray that works quickly in the body in a matter of hours, compared to weeks or months of another drug take to work. However, there are risks associated with it. Esketamine is a variant of ketamine and hallucinogenic drugs can cause sedation and out-of-body experience. Patients receiving the drug be monitored for several hours after taking it, and can only receive the drug at the site of the certified

Depression is usually reduced with medication, therapy or a combination of both. Typically, symptoms resolve with treatment. But sometimes, the symptoms do not improve with treatment.

Although definitions can vary, when two or more drugs fail to provide the expected relief, the disease can be considered "treatment-resistant depression."

treatment of depression can be complex. Depression symptoms, such as sleep problems and appetite problems, may continue despite patient compliance with treatment. At other times, symptoms resolve while but came back.

It is important to remember that just because depression does not respond to the first couple of treatments, it does not mean it can be treated. This may require different approaches to treatment, however. You should work with your doctor to monitor symptoms and response to treatment so you can find an option that works for you.


Studies have found that 30-40% of people experience only a partial remission of depressive symptoms after taking antidepressants. About 10-15% of people do not respond to antidepressant treatment altogether.

The consequences for individuals with treatment-resistant depression can be significant. This is linked to poor social functioning, medical comorbidities, and increased mortality.

Untreated depression is also a common cause of disability, so it's important to continue to seek strategies that can bring relief.

Individuals with untreated depression have a lifetime risk of suicide from 2 to 15 percent.


The symptoms of treatment-resistant depression may include:

• A shortage of treatment response to medications or psychotherapy

• Not enough of a response to standard depression treatment

• Quick fixes followed by the return of depressive symptoms

Because standard treatments do not work well or at all, the person may begin to experience despair. Symptoms can drag on for months without relief or improvement in mood.


Doctors and researchers are not entirely sure what is causing treatment-resistant depression. Some theories include:

• Genetics: Researchers believe that inherited characteristics may play a role in how the human body responds to a different antidepressant. While several genes have been associated with treatment-resistant depression, more research is needed to identify genetic biomarkers.

• Misdiagnosis: Poor response to standard depression treatment can also occur when people have been misdiagnosed with depression. While they may have symptoms of major depression, they may actually have different conditions such as bipolar disorder.

• Metabolic disorders: Some studies have shown that metabolic disorders can lead to nutritional deficiencies that can play a role in treatment-resistant depression. One study found, for example, that folate deficiency is more common in people with treatment-resistant depression. Further research in this area is needed to determine the exact impact of metabolic conditions.


If you have been treated for depression, but symptoms do not improve, you should talk with your doctor. diagnosis of depression treatment is not officially included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), also inconsistently defined. Some experts suggest that it is defined as having tried two different antidepressants without assistance, while others suggest that it may take as many as four different treatments before depression should be identified as resistant.

In any case, you should always talk to your doctor about your symptoms and concerns. If you have not experienced any assistance, just a little relief, or a complete rebuild of symptoms, you may need different types of antidepressant.

Your doctor can:

• Review the care that you have tried so far

• Consider the type of response you have indicated for treatment

• Assess your current physical health and consider the health condition

• Consider the diagnosis of other psychiatric disorders

• Evaluate other medications and supplements you are currently taking

If your doctor does not believe that you have treatment-resistant depression, they may recommend a dose, drugs, or a different treatment approach. Your doctor may also refer you to a psychiatrist for additional treatment advice and options.


While estimates vary, it is believed that anywhere 30-50% of patients with depression may not respond to certain antidepressants. Before a doctor or psychiatrist will consider drug treatment failure, they will consider the following questions:• How long is it administered? Most antidepressants take four to six weeks to reach their full effect. Before stating the treatment does not work, the provider will want to make sure that the medication has taken long enough to be effective.• How closely do adhere to the patient's prescription? A prescription is usually only considered to be "respected" if taken as prescribed at least 80 percent of the time. Few missed doses can greatly affect the ability of the drug to be effective. So before determining whether a drug is a failure, your doctor will want to know if the patient has been compliant. Sometimes, doctors do pill counts or take other measures to monitor the treatment of patients.• Is a drug with therapeutic doses? Sometimes medication begins with low doses to minimize the risks or side effects. As it is well tolerated, the dose may be increased gradually. A doctor will want to make sure the dose at therapeutic levels before determining whether treatment is failure.Additional options TreatmentWhen drugs and therapy did not reduce depression, doctors may decide to switch to other treatment options. Here are some additional procedures that may be effective for treatment-resistant depression:• electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - Perhaps the most effective treatment for resistant depression is ECT. ECT is a procedure that is usually administered under general anesthesia. electric current passing through the brain triggering a brief seizure. It seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can reduce depression (and reverse the symptoms of other mental illnesses). Although generally considered safe, can have side effects such as some short-term memory loss and physical side effects. ECT often initially given two to three times per week for a total of six to 12 sessions.• Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) - VNS is a surgical procedure that involves implanting device is a pacemaker-like body. It is attached to a wire threaded throughout stimulate the vagus nerve, which is thought to affect areas of the brain that regulate mood. Once implanted, the device gives regular impulses to the brain via the vagus nerve. It can take several months for the effects to be felt.• repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTM) - RTM involves using a magnet to stimulate certain areas of the brain. It has been used since 1985 and is being increasingly used, but there is not much data available on the long-term success rate.• Ketamine - A type of intravenous anesthetic drugs, ketamine has been found to be rapidly effective agent that can potentially result in improved symptoms of depression. Issues remain about how to maintain the long-term effects.• Spravato (esketamine) nasal spray - the latest FDA approved option for treatment-resistant depression is fast-acting nasal spray called esketamine. It is one of the two molecules that make ketamine. Such as ketamine, should be given under close observation of doctors.resolveDealing with treatment-resistant depression can be difficult for a number of reasons. Not only do you cope with persistent symptoms of depression, but you are also struggling with the difficulty in treating your condition.Some things that you can do that can help:• Follow your treatment plan. Even if it feels like you do not improve, it is important to take prescribed medications and attending therapy sessions recommended. Both therapy and antidepressants take time to work.

• Find ways to manage your stress. Unhappiness and stress that comes from areas of your life such as relationships, work, school, and finances can also contribute to feelings of depression. stress management techniques such as meditation, journaling, progressive muscle relaxation, and yoga may provide some benefit and relief.

• Avoid drugs and alcohol. substance use may not only aggravate the symptoms of depression; also can cause interactions with your antidepressant medication. Always talk to your doctor about substance, other drug, or even natural supplements you are taking.

• Practice good self-care. Although it can be difficult to do when you feel stressed, take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can help you better manage your symptoms.

If you or a loved one is experiencing depression and drugs do not work do not give up. Talk to your doctor or psychiatrist about other treatment options. It may take some effort to find something that works well for you, but it is important to keep trying so that you can experience relief from your symptoms.

Everything feels more challenging when you're dealing with depression. Going to work, socializing with friends, or even just getting out of bed can feel like a struggle.

But there are some things you can do to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Here are eight tips for living with depression.

Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee


Building a Support Network

One of the most important things you can do to help yourself with depression-than medication and therapy is to develop a strong social support.

For some people, this may mean forging stronger ties with friends or family. Knowing you can count on the support of loved ones for support can go a long way toward improving your depression.

For others, depression support group can key.1 This may involve community groups that meet in your area or you may find online support groups that meet your needs.


Reduce Your Stress

When you're stressed, your body produces more of the hormone called cortisol. In the short term, this is a good thing because it helps you get ready to cope with whatever is causing the stress in your life.

In the long term, however, can cause many problems for you, including depression.2 more you use techniques to reduce stress, the better because it will reduce your risk of developing depression.3

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep and mood are closely related. A 2014 study found that 80% of people with major depression experience sleep disturbances.3

But, you may feel like you can not fall asleep. Or maybe you are struggling to get out of bed because you feel tired all the time.

Good sleep hygiene may be the key to improving the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Turn off electronics at least an hour before you go to bed. Use a dimmer light to read a book or engage in other leisure activities.

Only use your bed for sleep and sexual activity. Doing work in bed, or even in your bedroom, it can cause you to associate your bed with stress, not relaxation.


Improve Your Eating Habits

Research continues to find a clear relationship between diet and mental health. In fact, there are so many studies that have shown improved nutrition can prevent and treat mental illnesses that psychiatry nutrition has become mainstream.4

There are a lot of brain-critical nutrients that can affect depression. For example, a 2012 study found that zinc deficiency increases the symptoms depression.5

Improve your diet could be the key to reducing your symptoms.

But before you make major changes to your diet or start taking vitamins or supplements, talk to your doctor.


Learn How to Stop Negative Thoughts

Depression does not just make you feel bad, it can also cause you to think more negatively. Changing negative thoughts, however, can improve your mood.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that works to change the general pattern of negative thinking called cognitive distortions in order to eliminate depression.6 There are also many self-help books, apps, and online courses that can help you learn how to change mindset your unhealthy.


beat delay

The symptoms of depression, such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating, making delays tempting.

Putting things off the fuel depression. This can lead to increased guilt, anxiety, and stress.

It's important to set deadlines and manage time well. Establish short-term goals and work hard to get the most important things done first. You successfully complete each task will help you break through procrastination.


Get a Handle on Your Household Work

Depression can make it difficult to complete household chores, such as washing dishes or pay bills.

But the piles of paperwork, piles of dirty dishes, and the floor was covered in dirty clothes will only increase your feelings of worthlessness.

Take control of your daily tasks. Start small and work on one project at a time. Up and moving can help you begin to feel better within himself. But, see your progress at home can be the key to helping you feel better.

Create a Wellness Toolbox

A box of medical equipment is a set of tools that you can use to help soothe yourself when you feel down.7

You find the most helpful tool force does not work for others so it is important to carefully consider what things can help you feel your best.

Think of the things you want to do when you're happy. Then, when you are feeling down, try one of these activities.

Hugging your pet, listen to your favorite music, take a warm bath, or read a good book just a few tools you may find helpful.

Make a list of activities you can try when you feel bad. Then, choose an activity to try when you are having a very rough time.

Depression is more common than you might think. In fact, mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety attack, the chances of hitting close to home for most people. Depression is a serious medical condition that can even run in families-it was certainly not in mine.

Seven years ago, my mother was diagnosed with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder. For many years he was diagnosed.

My sister will continue to fall into the routine of depression where he will trap himself in his room for days-he was never diagnosed.

I even experienced depressed. In high school and throughout college, I was depressed, but I never said a word. I mean, who would know? At least that's what I thought.

Many people have no problem admitting depression. They feel like they admit defeat, or stating that there is something wrong with them. This could not be further from the truth. One of the keys to overcoming depression being open about it-yet many people suffer in silence for years. From personal experience, just having someone who does not judge to open to brand a big difference.

Why Using homeopathic Remedies for Depression?

A friend might tell you that depression is all in your head, or you may be too afraid to open up to a psychiatrist. You may also be afraid to think of taking antidepressants-conventional treatments for depression (more than 30 million Americans take antidepressants to help relieve the symptoms of depression). Fortunately, there is a natural, homeopathic remedies for depression, which we'll go into shortly. First, let's look at the bad effects of many antidepressant.

Dangers of Conventional Treatment for Depression

Some of the top medical journals questioning the efficacy of antidepressants in patients with mild or moderate depression. A 2002 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry states that the placebo had a greater effect than antidepressant venlafaxine and fluoxetine.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled observed 51 patients with severe depression over a period of nine weeks. A device of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) was used to evaluate differences in brain function between placebo and antidepressant group. Also consider 2008 a meta-analysis published in the peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE famous.

Meta-analysis review of antidepressant trials submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for six of the most common antidepressants: citalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, nefazodone, venlafaxine and fluoxetine.

The researchers found there was a very small difference between antidepressants and placebo in patients with major depression and that many unpublished studies submitted to the FDA showed different results. According to the investigators' analysis, when the unpublished data, including, antidepressants criteria will fall under clinical significance.

It is also important to note that the drug company only needs to provide the FDA with two positive antidepressant studies to obtain approval for certain drugs, although they also can propose some of the more negative trials.

Not to mention, there are also a variety of adverse effects associated with antidepressants. This list includes anxiety, dry mouth, blurred vision, insomnia, headache, nausea, weight loss, agitation and gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, or constipation. Someone on antidepressants also can decrease the desire for sex and have problems reaching orgasm. Men also may have problems achieving an erection.

Homeopathy for Depression Is it Really Work?

Many people wonder whether homeopathy is a leading treatment for depression. Some people believe that homeopathy is nothing but a "placebo effect." That could not be further from the truth. Homeopathy treats infants, children, and animals-and they are not susceptible to the "placebo effect." Even if homeopathy simply "placebo effect," which may not be so terrible depression, especially when placebo treatment is just as good, if not better , rather than antidepressants.

But, once again, the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for depression should not be attributed to the "placebo effect." This is a medical system that is older than 200 years, and it uses highly diluted and very potent, natural active substances of animal, vegetable, and mineral. In mental health conditions, such as depression, a homeopathic or holistic practitioner must interview the patient and take all relevant information about all the symptoms of emotional, mental and / or physical. They will then match the individual with the best homeopathic medicinal peppy tune.

Why you should use homeopathy for depression? clinical trials are known to support the efficacy of homeopathic remedies for depression. According to an eight-week, double-blind, randomized, controlled study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, custom-prescription homeopathic drug has the same effect as antidepressants fluoxetine.

The researchers randomly divided 91 patients with moderate to severe depression into a homeopathy group and a fluoxetine group. The two groups showed equal improvement after four- and eight-week cycles. The important takeaway here is the homeopathy group reported far less side effects than the antidepressant group. Homeopathic remedies for depression are not known to have any side effects. In another study, Duke University researchers found that homeopathic remedies for depression, panic disorder, or social phobia responded well in nearly 60% of the patients.

Causes and Symptoms of Depression

Homeopathy for depression is not easy to access. First off, the person must show four to five of the symptoms associated with depression. These telltale signs include

· Physical inactivity or hyperactivity

· Insomnia or sleeping too much

· Poor or an increased appetite

· Weight loss or weight gain

· Decreased interest in pleasurable activities, like sex

· Decreased energy and fatigue

· Feelings of guilt

· Worthlessness, pessimism, and hopelessness

· Difficulty concentrating

· Persistent sadness

The individual is likely depressed when he or she displays at least four symptoms. The individual will show at least five signs for a clinical depression diagnosis with symptoms lasting for about a month.

Overall, there are various reasons a person may be clinically depressed. Brain structure changes may lead to mood disorders. For instance, low serotonin levels are associated with anxiety, irritability, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and depression. The symptoms also seem to get worse as serotonin levels drop further.

It is also vital to address other possible underlying causes and associated conditions, including nutrient deficiencies, excessive alcohol consumption, hypoglycemia, diabetes, lowed thyroid function, low adrenal dysfunction, food allergies, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lung disease, heart disease, chronic pain or inflammation, liver disease, multiple sclerosis, seasonal affective disorder, and cancer.

Prescription drugs linked with depression include sedatives and tranquilizers, corticosteroids, antihistamines, blood pressure-lowering drugs, anti-inflammatory agents, and birth control pills. Heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, and herbicides are also known to lead to depression and other neurological and psychological conditions. A stressful life situation may also trigger depression, such as a divorce, death of a loved one, or loss of a job.

List Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

There are some homeopathic remedies for depression that can complement the natural treatment. Some of the top drug for depression, including album Arsenicum, Aurum metallicum, calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonicum), ignatia amara, times phosphoricum, Cimicifuga, Lachesis muta, natrum carbonicum, natrum muraticum, Pulsatilla nigricans, sepia, staphysagria, phosphoric acid, and causticum.

Some other medications that may be prescribed include China, graphite, lycopodium, platinum, sulfur, thuja, and cadmium sulphuricum.

Details Homeopathic Remedies Used in the Treatment of Depression

As you can see, there are many homeopathic remedies for depression. The challenge is to find the most appropriate homeopathic remedy to the personality and the person's symptoms. You will find that it can be fairly difficult, especially when some of the symptoms overlap. Here are some more details about homeopathic medicine over to depression.

1. Arsenicum album: Arsenicum album is the best remedy for excessive worriers, especially for those who are obsessed with health and can be classified as a perfectionist. They often get depressed when they fail to achieve a high standard of personal. the person's symptoms are usually worse in cold weather, and they are also very sensitive to pain.

2. Aurum metallicum: Aurum metallicum is the best remedy for a workaholic with a tendency worthlessness, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide after the failure at work or in their personal lives. Symptoms are often worse at night or during the winter, but people can find relief from the soothing music.

3. Calcarea carbonica: Calcarea carbonica is often used for this type of dependable and industrious being overwhelmed from physical illness, job, or worried. People may also develop fatigue, anxiety, self-pity, frustration, and confusion. It is also best for people who sweat easily and suffering from insomnia and lethargy period.

4. Causticum: Causticum is a homeopathic remedy that is required when the person is depressed after a loss or when mourning. Other indications for these drugs include forgetfulness, frequent crying, and mentally dull. people often also very sympathetic towards others, and they can have a view of the world angry and desperate.

5. Cimicifuga: This is a drug that is recommended for someone who is energetic and talkative at times were good; However, they feel gloomy and angry during depressive episodes. Other symptoms include neck pain, headache, and painful menstrual periods.

6. Ignatia amara: amara Ignatia is often best for people who are sensitive which tends to suppress disappointment or sadness. They also do not want to appear too vulnerable, defensive, depressed, or guarded in the eyes of others. On occasion, they may cry or laugh without a reason. Other symptoms may include abdominal cramps, headache, or insomnia.

7. Kali phosphoricum: People need time phosphoricum will tend to feel depressed after a long period of emotional stress or excitement. They may also experience anxiety, fatigue, lack of concentration, headaches, insomnia, anemia, sensitivity to cold, and indigestion.

8. Lachesis muta: Lachesis muta is the right medication when depression is caused by suspicion, envy, or suppressed. It is also prescribed for people who do not like commitment or confinement. people may be concerned, talkative, and experience menopause depression.

9. natrum carbonicum: natrum carbonicum regarded as the best remedy for those who are selfless, gentle and mild by nature. people tend to avoid conflict and usually become depressed after the disappointment of some kind. When they feel lonely, they will become isolated, withdrawn, and listening to sad music. Other symptoms will include nervousness and sensitivity to changes in the weather, the sun, and certain foods.

10. muraticum natrum: People who require Natrum muraticum: People who need muraticum natrum will often hide a strong inner feelings such as anger, fear misfortunes, sadness, or a romantic attachment. They are also responsible for, protected, preserved, and they are looking for silence. Although they are also looking for sympathy, they may become upset if someone attempts to comfort them. Other symptoms include migraines, insomnia, back pain, anxiety, and despair.

11. phosphoric acid: PhospOther Natural Home Remedies for Depressionhoric acid is the best remedy for dull, indifferent, and apathetic. Other symptoms include loss of appetite and often feel overwhelmed by overwork, grief, learning, or a broken heart. They also want the juice, often speak in short phrases, and experience night sweats. episode of depression is often worse than sleeping.

12. Pulsatilla nigricans: Pulsatilla nigricans is often used for people who become tearful and sad when depressed, and they want a lot of comfort and attention. They are also very moody, jealous, and whiny. a person's mood will improve by fresh air, crying, and light exercise. Pulsatilla nigricans is the best medicine when depression occurs simultaneously with menopause, menstrual periods, or puberty.

13. Sepia: Sepia is the best medicine when someone overwhelmed from loved ones and family members. They will also often want to be alone, and they may become angry when disturbed. They may feel better after crying and they choose not to be entertained. Other related symptoms including digestive problems and menstrual problems.

14. staphysagria: staphysagria is the best homeopathic remedy for people who are sensitive, quiet, and emotional. people may be addicted to work and have trouble standing for others. Depression can be caused by shame, resentment, repressed emotions and hurt feelings. When under too much pressure, they may experience a major upset. They may also have a high sex drive and experience insomnia, headache, toothache, stomach, and bladder infections related stress.

Guidance dose

It is always best to consult a homeopathic or holistic practitioner for the best medication and dosage instructions. The best way is to stop taking homeopathic medication for depression after symptoms improve. If there is no improvement of the drug after 10 days, seek further advice from homeopaths to more appropriate remedy.



her Natural Remedies for Depression Home

Homeopathy for depression and anxiety are considered very effective; However, it is always best to consult with a homeopath or holistic practitioner to correct homeopathic remedy.

It is also expedient to add other complementary natural home remedies for depression. This helps to overcome nutritional deficiencies commonly associated depression such as omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc, chromium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin B such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin, folic acid, and B12 , S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe), 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, and lavender oil is another common supplement used for depression.

Be sure to also avoid the consumption of stimulan


ts such as caffeine or alcohol. Meditation, yoga, walking, qigong and tai chi is a simple and peaceful exercises that can also help relieve stress and depression.

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